A lot of people are worried to invest right now seeing how the Covid-19 has spread throughout Asia and now to the Western countries.

For some new potential investors, they will be reluctant to go into the market now. For others who want to grab the opportunity of the low market might wait for the "right moment" to invest.
But when is the Right Moment?
Nobody knows when is the lowest price. However, we may make use of the current market situation to get some return in the future with the right strategy.
You might missed the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. You might also missed the Dot-Com Bubble in 2000. Many perhaps missed the opportunity to invest when Sub-Prime Crisis happened in 2008 as well. Let me show you these financial crisis data.
Asian Financial Crisis (1997)

US DotCom Crisis (2000)

Global Financial Crisis (2008) Sub-Prime - Asian Market

Global Financial Crisis (2008) Sub-Prime - US Market

As you can see, all the above financial crisis have 3 things in common.
Short downward (losing) period
Long upward (gain) trend.
When the market recovers, it recovers Strong.
We will not know when is the rock-bottom price so stay invested. You still can make profit in this market situation but do not invest blindly. Follow our strategy
People usually like to go shopping during Sales Carnival.
Why? Because it's Cheap!

So, when is the Sales Carnival for Investment?
It is when market is down.
Do not be afraid to invest when market is down or volatile. This is when u can purchase investment with Discount! ๐
Or you will ended up Buy High Sell Low.๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
